As of July 11th 2013 a new regulation will replace the “Cosmetics Directive” which until now was ensuring the safety of cosmetic products in Europe. The modifications to the directive were put in place to enhance the safety of cosmetic products and to strengthen the market surveillance, ensuring that consumer’s health is protected and that they are well informed. The new rules monitor product labeling, provide detailed rules for the assessment of product safety and prohibit animal testing. The new regulation CE No. 1223/2009 is replacing the old directive 76/768/EEC.
One of the requirements of the new regulation is a Product Information File (PIF) for each product. The PIF compiles documents pertaining to product description, safety report, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) data and proofs of all claims. On way that Evalulab can help you in this process is by providing you a safety assessment report. The safety assessment is performed by a toxicologist that evaluates the formula safety and he may provide recommendations to correct or to add warnings on the product labeling, to ensure product safety and adequate information for the consumers.
Please contact me via email or phone 514-735-3253 and it will be my pleasure to provide you additional details on the safety assessment report or any other clinical testing that may be necessary to ensure that your products comply with the new EU regulations.