It’s this time of the year again: sun protection is on everyone’s lips… including regulatory agencies!
For instance, the FDA has multiplied its efforts to ensure consumers’ protection by sending warning letters to companies that mislead consumers by selling products that do not deliver the advertised benefits. In addition, the FDA continues to take actions to update its regulatory guidelines and promote innovation and development of novel, safe and performing, sunscreen active ingredients.
Health Canada has also been closely monitoring the safety of consumers, particularly kid’s products, following series of adverse reactions reported for sunscreen products. In this case, the regulatory agency has verified 27 sunscreens on the market to confirm that their formulations are compliant with the rules in place. The safety review of sunscreen products by Health Canada is ongoing and it is just another example that shows the increase regulatory scrutiny of sun protection products.
Finally, the European Commission is also putting efforts in place to keep current with technical and scientific progress, and has recently adopted amendments to the Cosmetics Regulation regarding sunscreens, by authorizing the use of the nano form of MBBT at a maximum concentration of 10% w/w.
You may wonder what these updates and increase inspections mean to you, a manufacturer of sunscreen products?
Collectively, it serves to remind you that you are ultimately responsible for the safety of the consumers:
- You must ensure that the products you manufacture are formulated with safe and performing ingredients.
- You must comply with the regulatory guidelines in terms of approved active ingredients, concentrations and labeling standards.
- You must test your products in vitro and in vivo to measure the performance of your sunscreen products.
Evalulab can help! Contact us for more information!