A hot topic at the Society of Cosmetic Chemists (SCC) Scientific Seminar held in St. Louis last June was formulating personal care products for an aging population. Furthermore, with the Happi Anti-Aging Conference scheduled soon (October 2013), anti-aging personal care products are a subject everyone in the industry talks about.
The introduction of novel personal care products featuring anti-aging claims has increased 88% between 2009 and 2012 (Happi Magazine, p.60-60, July 2013). Marketing strategies can make a large difference on the success of a product. Consumers are more demanding and more educated: they request claims that are backed by science! Consumers continuously look for more efficient cosmetics and they research, compare, and review products before committing to a purchase.
Clinical studies carried out at Evalulab can help to optimize your marketing strategies and can reassure you on the safety and efficacy of your products. Evalulab provides scientific proofs to your marketing claims! Clinical studies provide powerful graphics, allow making specific claims citing numbers and percentages, and permit you to communicate with consumers and hence to meet consumers demands.
The number of claims related to anti-aging products is large and the testing options are numerous! You can consult the below list of the most common tests available to evaluate the efficacy of anti-aging products. It will also be my pleasure to explain to you the possible testing options in person, so don’t hesitate to contact me via email ekulig@evalulab.com or phone 514-735-3253.